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Issue 4-2
You're Still Not in
Kansas Dorothy!
But her cabin is still in Ocean City
- at a new location!
former North Beach Historical & Preservation Society owned the
building which was sittong on private property for the past several
years. With the merger of our two historical groups, the move became
a reality. Board member Shari Poplin, offered to have the cabin moved
to her property about an 1/8 of a mile north on State Route 109 in
Ocean City. Shari's husband, Rob of Poplin Construction along with
Gary Hulet, Dick Hulet, Jim Dudley, David Milbourn and Boaz Backus
donated their time and labor in moving the cabin. Several railroad
ties were donated by Levee Lumber to rest the cabin on at the new
location. The historical society paid for several truckloads of gravel
to prepair the new site and the dismantling and hauling away of the
old cabin that was attached to the rear.
Hulet captured the cabin's move on video and the North Coast News
did an excellent story and photo spread.
big thank you to everyone who helped save this part of our North
Beach history.
Will There Be a Depot
in the Museum's Future?
March 11, 2004, three board members, Kathy Jaquet, Lee Marriott and
Kelly Calhoun spoke before the Washington State Parks Commission
in Vancouver, Washington regarding our plans for the rebuilding of
the Northern Pacific Depot in Moclips.
presentation before 12 members of the commission included copies
of the original Moclips depot blueprints and several photos of the
depot in use from 1905 to the mid 1910's. We also encouraged a partnership
between Washington State Parks and the historical society to promote
an enjoyable and informative visit for tourists to this five acre
parcel. The land begins just past the second Moclips River bridge
(on 2nd & Railroad) north to the Hi-Tide Resort at 6th & Railroad.
This includes the restrooms located on 2nd.
addition to the proposed depot, a walking trail with picnec tables
would compliment the site. One advantage of this location is the
1/2 block proximity to the beach.
Commission appeared interested in our idea. They will be in Ocean
shores this coming December for another of their regional meetings.
We plan to have them come to Moclips to visit the site.
Glass Show at the Museum
a BIG Success!
Sunday, March 14, at least 165 guests came to the museum to see and
purchase some very nice hand-blown glass floats.
Jon & Shannon
Felix, owners of Avalon Glassworks in West Seattle, brought a boatload
of beautiful & colorful floats to sell at the museum. Judging
by the response, they had a very successful sale. The Museum of the
North Beach in Moclips was their first stop on their glass show tour
to California.
addition to their success, the museum raised over $300.00 during
the sale - this included the selling of raffle tickets, photo enlargements
and new memberships.
wish Jon & Shannon good luck and invite them to come back for
another glass show. We also thank them for joining MBTS!
What's New at the Museum
Stained Glass donated a very useful and attractive display case.
It now houses our OCEAN CITY display including two copies of Norah
Berg's Lady on the Beach (ITALICS) and the typewriter she used to
write the book.
scrapbook of our historical society's history is being put together.
Member Cindy Lee White of Seattle has spent a lot of time making
copies of newspaper articles and press releases about Moclips By
The Sea and the museum. she not only donated her time but the papter
too - THANK YOU!
Warwick from Moclips donated TWO new computers to the museum through
Chapel by the Sea. These were used last year at the church to provide
computer lessons. One will be used to inventory our artifacts and
the other will be used at the museum for our guests to do historical
research on the internet. THANK YOU Kevin!
Ocean shores Interpretive Center loaned a nice display case which
is now being used to display Copalis Beach artifacts.
Curtright built a very impressive ramp for our front door. He will
be adding a railing to it soon. Thank you Sid!
We Lost a Guest, But
Gained a Friend
our annual meeting on June 5, our special guest speaker Dann Sears
of the Aberdeen Museum of History was scheduled to speak. Unfortunately,
he was not able to make it. Dann found another guest speaker for
us at the last minute. Les Bolton of the Grays Harbor Historical
Seaport took Dann's place.
spoke about how the Lady Washington (ITALICS) became a movie
star in last year's Disney movie, "Pirates of the Caribbean".
The ship is a replica of Captain Robert Gray's who discovered
Grays Harbor and the Columbia River in 1792.
was a fitting replacement as we needed to speak with him directly
about the Lady Washington (ITALICS) and the Moclips centennial. We
will be negotiation with the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport on the
best way to have the Lady (ITALICS) make an appearance along the
coast - assuming she will be available.
years annual meeting was held at the Pacific Beach Resort (Navy Base).
There were 32 in attendance.
food and service were EXCELLENT! All of us were very impressed.
Gems and Gemstones
membership dollars to to a general fund that pays for printing our
newsletter, other printings and postage. We rely on donations to
help with museum costs and acquisitions.
Tottie of Hoquiam sent two cash donations of which one was for the
garage sale. Joel Patience and Dale Bonn donated cash to help with
our postage. Harriet Baller, Pat Ohlsen and Lorraine Kramer sent
donations in addition to their membership dues.
Beach All School Reunion
all school class reunion of Moclips-Aloha and North Beach High Schools
will be held at the Ocean Shores Lions Club on August 7, 2004 at
7:00pm. This is a BYOB event so you must be 21 or older. Snacks will
be served around 9pm. If you would like to bring something, call
Kathy Law at 360-276-4456 or email lawk28@aol.com.
will be gift certificates from local merchants (including a one year
free membership in MBTS Historical Society).
you would like to help or if you have questions, contact Julie Stryker
at 253-380-0270 or email her at jules5370@comcast.net.
Museum of the North Beach will have a booth space at this event.
you there!
Here's to the Next 100
member and professional photographer Phil Webber, took several images
of Moclips and Pacific Beach during the month of March. We had asked
him to take photos of as many locations as possible. He came back
with not only fifty plus photos but also included them on a CD-Rom.
Phil donated all of it and his time to the museum. We will ask Phil
to do it again this summer and take images of Copalis, Ocean City
and Ocean Shores.
reason for taking these photos now is two-fold. The first is to have
a comparison - a sort of "Then and Now" approach with vintage
photos of the past. Secondly, we thought it would be nice to start
a time capsule that would not be opened until 2105. To those who
open it in the future, they will get a glimpse of what life was like
for us right now.
you Phil!
3rd Annual MBTS Garage
Sale - WOW!
January, we tried diligently but to no avail to find a location for
this year's Memorial Day Weekend garage sale in Ocean Shores. The
2002 and 2003 garage sales were both held in Ocean shores. Finally,
we found space at the North Beach Community Center at Pacific Beach.
We advertised heavily and it paid off. The museum grossed $2782.11
- better than last year!
thanks goes to the North Beach Community Center, everyone who helped
with set up, the folks who donated the great items and the ones who
bought them! Once again, the North Beach comes through!
The 2004 Raffle - Ahoy
Mate, It's an Anchor!
have begun a new raffle as a fund raiser for the museum. This years
prize is a very large (and heavy) ship's anchor.
Detrick of Moclips was the generous donor of the anchor for this
years raffle.
are $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00. The winning ticket will be
drawn at our next general meeting on Saturday, September 25, 2004.
you would like tickets sent to you, please send a check including
your name, address and phone number. A ticket stub(s) will be mailed
to you. GOOD LUCK!
Newly Donated Items
Dineen of Pacific Beach donated a large collection of paper items
including promotional materials of Ocean shores.
Curtright of Moclips donated a big batch of paper items including
books & postcards.
Lord from Ocean Shores donated a very nice ship lantern.
Smith of Smith-Western, former owner of the Ocean shores Inn donated
many items from the Inn for our display.
Choma of Ocean shores donated a wood shingle from the O.S. Inn, a
P-I article about the closing and an invitation to the farewell party.
Ruth & Les
Gangwish of Puyallup donated a box of items; some are related to
the Aloha Lumber Company.
Bangs from Copalis donated a railroad switch key.
Guthrie of Copalis Beach donated several art postcards (including
her own) from the Ocean Shores Associated Arts.
Bob & Judy
Gregg donated an old board foot calculator, a clam net and an old
tobacco can.
Mark & Linda
Baxter from Pacific Beach donated an old Wheelock plate of Moclips
circa 1910 from a local auction house.
Davies of Ocean Shores donated an unusual drift marker.
Mary & Joe
Hill donated an old ceramic wall pocket with a label, "Cliff's
Agate Shop, Pacific Beach".
Virginia & Arvid
Nordman donated several items including photos of John Wayne during
the filming of "McQ" at Pacific Beach in a house owned
by member, Maggie Alexander.
Jaquet donated old bullets found on the beach.
Moore of Rochester donated the old Aloha Post Office sign.
drift study message in a bottle was donated by Bill & Jenni Helm
of Ocean Shores.
Ferguson of Pacific Beach donated a large bundle of cedar shingles
manufactured by the Aloha Lumber Company.
Darrell & Janae
Gamble of Lakewood donated 3 frames for the Beach Theatre movie posters
they previously donated. They also include a movie schedule.
Patten of Aloha, Oregon donated a coupling from the old wooden water
pipe that served Pacific Beach for 100 years.
Scott from Spokane sent several postcards for MBTS to sell on ebay
as a fund-raiser. she also found a strange "Moclps" postcard
that obviously is not from this area.
Ginni & Bruce
Krueger of Moclips donated a WWII map of Europe.
Moclips Motel donated 2 older matchbooks and two rubber stamps -
all from the motel.
Delaney of Moclips donated an excellent piece of Orbicular Jasper
found on the beach.
items are on permanent display in the museum.
Looking for a Long Lost
Bell - Have YOU Seen it?
following letter to the editor was published on April 21, 2004 in
the Aberdeen Daily World:
looking for a long lost treasure.
1957, in Cass County, MO, the little one-room country school my family
attended was closed. A lady from your area wanted the hand-held school
bell, because she had taught there years before. It was given to
her by my father. She took it back to Washington.
years ago, my brother dismanteled our old school and rebuilt it in
Harrisonville, MO, as a living history classroom. Since then I have
wanted to try and find the old school bell.
lady was my great aunt, Kate Kyle Adair. She was married to L. Clifford
Adair. she was assistant superintendent of schools in Grays Harbor
County. She lived in Copalis Beach for 23 years and died in November
of 1961. She had no children.
don't know if the bell had any ID marks on it, but the name of the
school was Rock Ford.
anyone in your area has the bell or knows of its whereabouts, or
if anyone knew my aunt, please get in contact with me. I'm sure this
is an extreme long shot, but I have to give it a try.
J. Jones
Beech St.
City, MO 64747
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Moclips-By-The-Sea Historical Society and Museum
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