Homepage Guestbook

Volume 3, Number
March 1 & 2, the Museum of the North Beach hosted an information
booth at the 19th annual Beachcomer’s Fun Fair at the O.S.
Convention Center. Lee Marriott made a super map of the North Beach
showing all the recorded shipwrecks from as far back as 1888. He
spent a lot of time researching this subject.
8x10 photos of local shipwrecks were also on display. Lee’s
artwork and shipwreck stories are now on display in the museum.
We also had chunks of coal on display that keep washing up from the 1892
Ferndale shipwreck off o Copalis Beach We kicked off our North Beach
photo enlargement raffle during this weekend. Images include all communities.
We also sponsored a free giveaway for a $50.00 gift certificate at the
Ocean Shores IGA. The North Beach Historical Society lent us a big net
full of banana floats to which we added a ton of our own. The winner
had to guess the exact amount of floats. Tom Kykstra of Bellevue guessed
it right on the nose – 166. Thank you N.B. Historical Society and
Charlie of the IGA for making this happen!
Taylor has been our organizer of the docent (volunteer) program for
the museum. She was instrumental in keeping the museum open and staffed
during our winter hours on Saturdays and Sundays. Now with our new
hours, Lois Johnson has taken over this responsibility. Our friendly
and informative volunteers usually work in 3 hour blocks but on occasion
have had to run the museum for the entire day. This is what makes
our volunteers so special! Without them, we would not be able to
provide the public with a very informative and interesting museum.
If you would like to be a volunteer, please contact Lois at 276-4698.
Our summer schedule is Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 11am to
to ALL of our volunteers for your help in making the museum accessible
to the public!
major oversight caused our voting of officers to be conducted beyond
the provisions of our by-laws. We were to have a nominating committee
established at our January meeting with the names announced in the
March newsletter. Final voting to commence at the June Annual meeting.
With the opening of the museum, the January meeting was canceled.
It wasn’t until April that we discovered it had been two years
and that we should have had the voting situation underway. We scrambled
to get a ballot mailed to everyone. At our annual meeting on June
7, we offered two options to the members that were present. Either
we start all over and vote in September or accept the voting as received.
It was unanimous to leave the voting as is. All officers were voted
in with the exception of one nomination. Katie Detrick declined her
nomination as a member at large.
votes possible: 163.
Total votes received: 72.
than 2 months after our grand opening, work began on our beach display.
Herb Montano built the large structure completely by himself. He
went by a crude drawing made by Kelly Calhoun & Lee Marriott.
Within a month, it was completed with a LOT of sand.
With the help of Richard Cameron, Doug Fadden and Sid Curtright, we were
able to bring a good size chunk of shipwreck up from Pacific Beach to
the beach display.
Eventually, a painted mural of the ocean will be the backdrop.
Our next big project is to complete the Northern Pacific caboose, which
is now the office. We will be adding a roof and railing, complete
with a turn brake.
We recently acquired several Quinault baskets which will be on display
once we find more cases to display them.
One of the items for sale in the museum is sea shells. There are local
shells found at Moonstone Beach in Moclips. Members chuck & Norma
Austin of Walla Walla, have gathered numerous shells and packaged them
up for sale in the museum. Thanks to the Austins, we make a little money
for the museum! Chuck worked on a bakery man sign and changed it to a
railroad conductor. It is on wheels. His hand points to the museum. His
sign read, “all Aboard Museum”. It is now along the highway
in front of the museum during open hours. Thanks!
Eleanor Ward donated several copies of the Moclips Beach Hotel brochure.
These reproductions look just like the original! They are $7.50 each.
Kathy Jaquet has donated several packets of her pen & ink drawings
of old Moclips. These 8 cards, complete with envelopes, originally were
for sale in her gift ship and are now available at the museum. Kathy
also spent time recording the last 20 minutes of the John Wayne movie “McQ” on
a continuous loop on VHS tape for the museum.
The North Coast News gave us a large amount of their January issue with
the museum grand opening and Lycan Park dedication story. The museum
is selling these for 50 cents. There are still a few available.
large cash donation has been received by Moclips-By-The-Sea treasurer,
Kathy Jaquet this past March.
Kathy’s generous donation was made in the name of her late husband
Eldon”Jake” Jaquet.
You may recall another sizable contribution last summer from board
member, Jackie Davis. Her donation was made in the name of her late
father, Eldon
Davis. Ironically both gentlemen’s names were Eldon!
In honor of both Eldons and the women who made the contributions, we
will have a special plaque made for displaying names of those who
have made significant contributions.
membership dollars go into a general fund that pays for printing
our newsletter other printings and postage. We rely on donations
to help with museum costs and acquisitions. You may specify where
your donations go. Elaine McDonald & Betty Nye sent cash donations
for the museum. Roy Tottie and Marian Vidonis sent cash donations
for the garage sale. Betty & Norm Ross of Ocean Shores gave a
cash donation in memory of Archie Conners.
to Moclips Centennial – It is now tow years until we celebrate
the Moclips Centennial. If you have ideas or would like to join a
committee, please contact a board members. We will be organizing
the committees together soon.
property owners, Joe and Mary Hill have given the historical society
permission to have their lot scanned with metal detectors before
they build their new home. After the property haws been given the
once over, we will come back after the bulldozer has scraped off
several inches of soil and search again.
Jim and Rita Evans of Hoquiam are avid and professional metal detector
experts and have offered their services If you or someone you know has
property in the North Beach community that we could scan, please contact
us. You never know that one of a kind artifact may be right at your feet!
September, MBTS plans to be a participant in the annual Kelper’s
Parade. We will be building our own home made float and will
need ideas from the membership, not to mention help in building
it. If
you have an idea or can help out, please contact a board member
or call the museum at 360-276-4441.
The parade begins in Moclips on Pacific Avenue and ends in Pacific
Beach on Main Street.
Memorial Day weekend, the historical society hosted its 2nd annual
garage sale in Ocean shores. The sale was held in an empty store
across the street from the IGA. We raised nearly $2000 for the museum!
Thanks to the following for your help: Lois Johnson, Gerry Bonner, Lorraine
Kramer, Eleanor Ward, Dolores May, Marjorie Johnson, CindyLee and Michael
White, Kathy Jaquet, Jackie Davis, Kate Long, Lola Bennett, Lee Marriott,
Miriam Groesse, Elsie Burgi and Gloria Cohea. Thanks also to James from
the Wacky Warehouse for picking up the unsold items. This will b e an
annual event so before you throw away that useable item, call us!
to the Ocean Shores Interpretive Center, we now have a small but
nice display in their facility. Gene Woodwick, director of the center,
invited Moclips-By-The-Sea to put up the display. Board members Kathy
Jaquet and Linda Kelley spent a couple hours in late March putting
the display together.
Our thanks to the Interpretive Center, Kathy and Linda!
a nice Saturday evening, about 30 folds showed up for our 2nd annual
meeting at the museum. Our June 7th meeting was a great success!
The excellent potluck was held outside under the awning. We later retired
to the museum for a very entertaining and informative presentation put
on by ocean shores Interpretive Center Director, Gene Woodwick. Her stories
of the North Beach were fascinating and kept us all glued to our seats.
Prior to the potluck, we asked Barbara Topete of the Ocean Crest Resort
to draw the winning raffle ticket for a vintage North Beach photo enlargement.
There were 423 tickets purchased and the winner turned out to be Kelly
Calhoun’s parents in Gig Harbor! They are big supporters of MBTS
and had purchased 24 tickets. Jerry & Chris Calhoun donated their
winning photo of the NP train back to the museum.
ran out of room in our last newsletter to list all the donations
we have received. So here goes!
Gordon’s Antiques of Ocean Shores donated a wood token from the
legends Tavern (now out of business). They also donated a very large
old “tourist Information” sign what will be mounted outside
the museum.
Roy Tottie of Hoquiam sent us a 1907 Liberty head nickel, an 1897 nickel
and a 10 cent Copalis lumber token.
Carol reeve of Steilacoom gave us 2 old rail spikes.
The Nordman family came through again! Arv and Virginia gave the museum
two bundles of cedar shingle samples and the most awesome aerial photo
enlargements of M.R. Smith and other single mills in Moclips. Earlier
this year, their daughter, Chris Murphy of Oklahoma id on a wonderful
1915 Dale Northrop postcard of M.R. Smith shingle Mill. Chris won it
on what would have been her late grandfather’s birthday. Arvid
Norman, Sr. worked at the Smith mill in the 1930’s & 1940’s.
The postcard was not cheap and was donated to the museum. We have
had it enlarged and it will be on display.
Darrell & Janae Gamble of Lakewood donated 2 1939 movie posters found
in the old Pacific Beach post office that they are remodeling. They recently
donated two Moclips High School football posters from 1940 also found
in the walls of the old PO. In addition they gave the museum and early
1920’s postcard of Pacific Beach.
Austin McShane of Gig Harbor gave us a large plastic fishing float
he found on the beach while his family was visiting in Moclips.
Marcheta Van Patten of Ocean Park, WA donated 11 glass plate negatives
of early Moclips. Most of these wonderful images are of storefronts
along Pacific Avenue complete with the proprietors posing in front!
Julie Stryker from Puyallup donated copies of the Pacific Beach Gossip
from 1945 & 1946.
From the estate of Cecil & colleen Yates, we were given a cedar block
froe with mallet and a double-headed axe.
Shari Curtright won an awesome real photo post card of horses and a
surry on the beach at Copalis. She donated it to the museum.
Laila Silva of Ocean Shores gave the museum several photos of early
Helen Davis dropped off a 1983 Daily World article about the cars buried
in the sands along the North Beach.
Donated artifacts will be on permanent display in the museum. If you
have items to donate let us know!
maybe not world famous but at least in western Washington. Long time
Moclips residents and Moclips-By-The-Sea members, Keith & Gladys
Armstrong have their smiling faces plastered on billboards and bus
placards from Hogan’s Corner to Tacoma.
The Quinault Beach Resort & Casino used the Armstrong’s pictures
in their advertising. The Hogan’s corner billboard has been up
for several months. Keith & Gladys were recently told that another
billboard is up in Tacoma. Bus placards in Olympia are “promoting” the
Armstrongs too! Their photos were taken by Jones Photo in Aberdeen. MBTS
salutes this pair of aces and hopes they strike it rich!
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Moclips-By-The-Sea Historical Society and Museum
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